About Us

About Us

Welcome to the Monticello Church of Christ

We're a loving family of Christians who strive to put God first in our lives. We believe our Heavenly Father is perfect and powerful, and that He communicates through the Bible – His inspired, complete message for all people. We're committed to serving and worshiping God, our only creed being the Bible.

When you Visit

When you visit with us, we'll meet you face-to-face with a smile. You’ll be treated with courtesy and respect and you won't be singled-out, asked to stand or speak, or be embarrassed in any way. You can quietly observe and study that which you see and hear (1 Corinthians 14:40).

Focus on Worship

If you are present on Sunday, the Lord's Day, you will find our worship to be reverential, practical, and focused on God and the resurrected Christ. You will observe the congregation commemorating the Lord's Supper in memory of the death of Christ (Matthew 26:26-29). We do this on the first day of every week, like the Christians in the first century (Acts 20:7). 

You will not find special collections taken at any service. A collection is taken only on the Lord's Day (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). We are supported by the free will offerings of our members, not by fund raising activities like rummage sales and bingo games. We attempt to emulate the early church in our giving and do not compete with places of amusement.

You will also be surprised to find no tendency toward entertainment in the Lord's church. Like the first century Christians, we will engage in public prayer, scripture reading, preaching of the gospel message and the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). God has commanded the sincere praise of His people to come from the heart (Colossians 3:16).

Come share our commitment to worship God in spirit and in truth!